My Dilemma: I need one radio to rule them all

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My Dilemma: I need one radio to rule them all

Post by w4mkh »

I currently reside in Florida but I am moving to a condo in Laurel Park NC (the Hendersonville area) by the middle of july. This means that we are downsizing from 2400 sq ft to about 1000 sq ft. I won't have the room for the ham shack I have now and my outside antennas options are going to be severely limited. There is a very active ham radio club in the area so 2m and 70cm are active but I also want to have HF capabilities.

My current radios are:
Xiegu G90
Xiegu X6100

I'm a seriously considering selling some or all of these and starting over. The goal is to get down one or two radios for everything. I want to sell these radios to obtain the funds for the new shack as I am trying to keep the costs down in addition to downsizing the size of my shack. I plan to increase my POTA activities considerably and add some SOTA. I would like something that I can set up on a small end table and not look messy (have to keep the XYL happy). I also like QRP and going QRP only is an option. Digital modes would be nice but not a necessity.

So what do you guys think I should do? I am considering a shack in the box approach and trying to decide which of these are possible with the available funds and which would be the best approach.

1. Get a FT-991 and keep the X6100: this would give me 100W and cover HF/VHF/UHF in one radio and still allow the X6100 for portable use.

2. Get an IC-705 which would cover all modes but limit me to 10 watts. I could maybe add a portable amp later. But I would need an ATU.

3. get a used KX2 that covers HF/VHF/UHF and maybe add an amp later.

I think I have covered my dilemma and I would love to have your suggestions. I am also open to other options.

Thanks for any and all help.
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Re: My Dilemma: I need one radio to rule them all

Post by w4mkh »

I am surprised that no one has an opinion on this. :shock:

But I have almost made up my mind. I am really leaning towards this setup s th emsot bang for the buck and the best optimization of size and resources.

Auto Antenna tuner - still have to decide on which one.

All radios sold and the money put towards this setup. I will probably added a Buddistick Pro to the setup too along with maybe a portable amp. I am not familiar with the amp options for the 705 so I will research that and may a decision later.

I have several HTs and I have no problems hitting the local repeaters with them so I'm not worried about the UHF/VHF issues. May have to add a hotspot for DMR. I know that DMR is available in the area but I don't know how active it is.

It isn't too late to change my mind so advice is still welcome.
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Re: My Dilemma: I need one radio to rule them all

Post by wg4z »

Yes on 705. I have one with the LDG 100Plus tuner. They make a great pair and will tune most any antenna. Many good features and has D-Star. Add a ZumSpot hotspot and you will be good to go on D-Star and DMR with your HTs. The Carolinas have a good PRN network for DMR. There is almost nowhere you can go and not be able to key up a DMR repeater without a hotspot.

With the LDG tuner and the radio connection cable attached to the 705, just a tap of the dit paddle starts the tune up process when changing bands. The 28.5 speaker wire antenna is a cheap and great antenna for field operations.

I hope to see you on the bands in NC.

Max - WG4Z
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Re: My Dilemma: I need one radio to rule them all

Post by w4mkh »

wg4z wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:08 pm Yes on 705. I have one with the LDG 100Plus tuner. They make a great pair and will tune most any antenna. Many good features and has D-Star. Add a ZumSpot hotspot and you will be good to go on D-Star and DMR with your HTs. The Carolinas have a good PRN network for DMR. There is almost nowhere you can go and not be able to key up a DMR repeater without a hotspot.

With the LDG tuner and the radio connection cable attached to the 705, just a tap of the dit paddle starts the tune up process when changing bands. The 28.5 speaker wire antenna is a cheap and great antenna for field operations.

I hope to see you on the bands in NC.

Max - WG4Z
Thanks Matt.

I see you are over around Charlotte. My wife's sister lives just across the SC border in Lancaster O I am sure I will be getting on the air some over that way when we visit.

I already have the speaker wire antenna and some hamsticks plus a random length and an EFHW so I have the antenna portion of the puzzle pretty well covered.

For the last year I have been moving towards QRP and a portable setup as we knew we would eventually make the move. We were up last month and this condo just fell into our laps so the timing has been a surprise but we are still excited.
Brian - K3ES
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Re: My Dilemma: I need one radio to rule them all

Post by Brian - K3ES »

I would stick with the IC-7300 and a QRP rig, then add a 2m/70cm HT. In fact, that is my shack in a nutshell. Footprint for the 7300 is just the end of my desk next to the computer. The radio takes less space than the computer, which would be needed even if the radio went away. I installed a stack of 3 wall-mounted shelves above the radio/desk. Two thirds of the lowest shelf holds the power supply and tuner, so there is a lot of additional non-radio storage space. A low-end Yaesu HT hits repeaters around me, even at distances beyond 10 air miles.

With respect to QRP rigs, a lot depends on what you plan to do. With backpack portability being high on my list, I have 3 radios, each its own kit bag. The LAB99 TX-500 has full HF spectrum plus 6m, but has no internal tuner. The Elecraft KX2 has a great internal tuner, but won't do 160m or 6m. The Penntek TR-35 is CW-only (which matches my style) but has only 4 bands: 40, 30, 20 & 17m. It is a fun radio for POTA activations, but will not do everything. By now, you've guessed that my QRP equipment takes up more space than my shack, but... I'm sure you have your own ideas on QRP rigs, and I won't pretend to sell you on mine.

Good luck with your decisions.

73 de Brian - K3ES
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Re: My Dilemma: I need one radio to rule them all

Post by wg4z »

Good luck on finding a used KX2. I searched for one with no success for months before deciding on the 705.
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Re: My Dilemma: I need one radio to rule them all

Post by w4mkh »

wg4z wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 6:10 pm Good luck on finding a used KX2. I searched for one with no success for months before deciding on the 705.
There is a mailing list for Elecraft owners/users and I have seen 2 or 3 on there over the last month. But even there you have to move quick or it is gone.
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Re: My Dilemma: I need one radio to rule them all

Post by K0RGI »

I've had a similar experience with downsizing following retirement. Faced with half the space I previously had, I acquired a secretary desk with upper and lower cabinets from IKEA. Unfortunately it's now been discontinued, but I've seen similar items at consignment shops and estate sales. It holds my computer and an Elecraft KX3, along with a power supply and a variety of accessories. With the desktop flipped up and the cabinet doors closed, it looks like a piece of furniture. Nice when you have guests and want things looking neat and tidy.

With your desire to operate VHF and UHF, the Icom IC-705 would fit nicely. I think you'd find that operating at 5-10 watts would work well and eliminate some of the RFI issues you'd likely otherwise encounter. I've been very pleased with the KX3 and an end fed wire antenna. Although the KX3 has an internal tuner, I use an LDG RT-100 at the feedpoint to minimize transmission line loss.

Good luck and best wishes on whatever you decide.

72, Jim - K0RGI
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Re: My Dilemma: I need one radio to rule them all

Post by Ikey »

We live in motorhome 10 months a year.
After much trial and error the station is a 3 week old Icom 705, a ZM-2 tuner to a variety of antennas, mostly though centered on a 31 foot Jackie pole or a variety of Wolf River and Buddipole parts.
I have a MX-P50M amp left from the KX3 stuff I just sold and am waiting for an RB-1 buffer I have ordered from a vendor on EBay on the advice of some of you folks.
Fairly compact, and easy to keep neat and it seems to work fine…..
The secret of course is the versatility of the 705.
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Re: My Dilemma: I need one radio to rule them all

Post by KA1LOR »

I've relocated from New England home (having large shake, 5 band Yagi, R7 vertical, and a pair of G5RVs at 60') to SW FL coastal area, where I'm renting a home in heavily HOA restricted neighborhood until our house is ready sometime early next year. I think I'm experiencing some of the challenges you're facing, less the need (at this time) to sell any of my rigs (KX3/PX3/KXPA100, KX2, IC-7300, IC-705, G-90, & FT-817ND). Been here since mid Sept and I've greatly enjoyed being lani portable year round. That said, I've not used 7300 or the full KX3-line gear since arrival. I currently have 3 antenna solutions - Random Wire on my 32' slip up mast, combination of Wolf River & Buddipole parts for resonant verticals, and AlexLoop inside the lani for use if raining. Setup/pack up for any one of these antennas with 705, G-90, or KX2 is about 20min. I've been making good contacts US & DX as well has having a ball chasing POTA with this setup [did I mention I get to do this year round :) ]. "If" I had to go to 2 radios it would be the 705/tuner & KX2(better for portable). I don't miss the 100w at all. I'd keep the 817 for portable use on the beaches, simply because of fear of fine sand penetration to my more expensive gear. I've considered selling the 100w stuff, with the notion of funding/exploring other antenna gear (like a TAK tenna). If I had to reduce stuff to the most minimal, I would choose IC-705/tuner, random wire, & Alexloop.

The 705 mainly because it does everything and is a great SWLing radio also.

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