Long winded introduction from KB0WLF

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Long winded introduction from KB0WLF

Post by SoloScout »

Hello all!

This is KB0WLF.
Just a broken down, old Cavalry Scout

On the air and in person, I answer to Chris.
You can find me on youtube as SoloScout. (the grandkids think I'm funny)
The rare sightings on PC games would be W3BMNKY (or some variation thereof)

After being medically retired from the Army in the early 90s, I ran into a Korean War vet at the VA mobile clinic at the VFW, sk KG0UQ, that introduced me to ham radio.
I had a sub-novice understanding at the time as I had used radio communications for years patrolling the West German/Czechoslovakian and East German border.

I bought out the Radio Shack an hour away and started cramming.
All 5 study books and a cassette tape album for CW.

I had no desire to get stuck on 2m although the local club had a great group and great repeater.

No ticket to General ticket with 20wpm cert in one test session.
The band privileges were tripping me up and i didn't 'chance' it by taken the advanced and extra exams.

I did upgrade shortly to Extra but didn't request a callsign change.
(who knew there'd be no extra class calls when I decided my current call was too long for CW?)

Looking back, I should have but this one has only been used by me so I'll just keep it.

My 'early' years were spent on hf phone many times mobile.

When the local 2m repeater/club folded, I built a 6m + 70cm multicast repeater in the backyard.
(the backyard was big enough for a 100' tower and a 70' tower 100' apart)
IRLP, phone patch and an HF remote base. For several years, it was well used. Then our little town got a cellular tower. :)

Fast forward a decade or two.

Moved farther out into the sticks.
I maintain my APRS digipeater on site.

During the months that are not freezing, I ride my 2021 CRF300L around Missouri backroads and occasionally remember to pack a radio for POTA fun.

15 years ago I employed a QRP rig into our motorhome travels. FT-817nd, I had some success but wasn't enough to 'stick'.

On the motorcycle however, I've had much better luck by participating in POTA and am still 'growing' my QRP skillset.
The bike is therapeutic and the radio gives me a goal. sweet.

This winter, I ran an EFHW to the house to use a QRP radio. The shack is unheated and therefore unused a quarter of the year. :(
I've been trying to resurrect my CW skills but is slow going, literally.

Anyway, I hope to glean tips/tricks/practices for future MOTO POTA outings.
I really want to add CW to the modes I'm confident in already.


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Brian - K3ES
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Re: Long winded introduction from KB0WLF

Post by Brian - K3ES »

Welcome, Chris, and thank you for your service. I am a recently retired (2021) newer radio amateur (2020), who also moved out into the sticks. I share your enjoyment of POTA, QRP, and CW. There are lots of good and knowledgeable folks on this site, and it is great to have another enthusiast among us.

Best 73 de Brian - K3ES
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