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x5100 vs x6100

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 3:27 pm
by Bowbreaker
Good morning all. Who all has used both xeigu x5100 and x6100 for field operations. I have a G90 and i like it, however all of the features such as built in battery, ptt and mice. Way more compact. I wont miss the 10-15 watts that much for portable use. Whats everyone's experience with both.

I have a couple of usdx (the no name knock off) I like to do digital modes like FLDIGI and the Xeigu seams to do them well. thanks.

Edit, I find it interesting that the x6100 can be charged with 5VDC, does this meen recharging in the field with a solar power bank usb connection with a homemade anderson power polls? Looks that way