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We had twelve folks join the MI QRP Zoom Chat on 20 February. Please join us Thursday February 27 (and every Thursday) at 4PM Eastern for the Michigan QRP Club weekly QRP Chat where the main topics will be QRP and other ham interests. New hams are encouraged to participate and ask questions. It's fun, it's easy, and it's free. You only need a computer, a smart phone, or a tablet that can connect to the Internet. OR if you can't be close to any of those you can join by audio with any standard phone. Just follow the directions below. No software needs be loaded or installed. Anyone can join and non members are welcome. Details are here:
The topic for Thursday, 27 February will be Ed AB8DF leading a discussion on using a Raspberry Pi as a shack computer.
Pete WK8S
Ernie W3ETE
Tony W8CDC
Casey KC9IH
Larry AC8YE
Dave N8SBE
John M7FZC
Stuart M0SGV
Yvon AE7YD
Jerry KI4IO
Stuart M0SGV lead a discussion of a prisoner of war radio. It is in a military canteen. He had some slides. To hide it they hung it in the latrines and on beds. Stuart saw a presentation at FDIM back in the day. Bought the valve / tube at that very Hamvention. Getting the canteen and various parts was part of the build challenge. He looked on eBay for a canteen with out much luck. Then at a swap meet in San Diego he found one for $15.00. It was not aluminum. It was stainless steel and stamped 1945 not 1942/1943. He did not have any bamboo to wind the coils. He would like to see an original but not sure if any exists. Cloth covered wire is still available for vintage car restoration sites. Had a video of the radio in operation. The powered it with a home brew power supply using back to back transformers to get the HV. Where did they get the high impedance phone and other parts at a prisoner of war camp?
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Jerry is new to the chat. He is an avid QRPer. He has lots of home brew qrp rigs. Jerry is in VA.
Pete needs some cloth covered wire and wants to know from Tony where he can get it. Pete is restoring an old regenerative receiver.
Jerry’s dad made a Knight Space Spanner radio back in the day.
Ernie put an antenna together for his KH1 from what K6ARK talked about at FDIM last year. It is a Rybakov antenna with a fishing pole. Just too cold to play with it outside.
Pete had a Chameleon antenna which came with the wrong parts. He ordered it from DX Engineering. Chameleon Antenna replaced the parts and he was very impressed with their service and support.
Next weeks topic:
Ed will lead a discussion asking the question:
Should I move to a Raspberry Pi as my shack computer?
The agenda for the February 27 QRP Chat:
Pete to do a short introduction and acknowledge any new folks to the Zoom chat.
Ed will lead a discussion asking the question; Should I move to a Raspberry Pi as my shack computer?
After the discussion on the Raspberry Pi has completed, there will be an open forum.
During the open forum anyone can take the floor. We will go one by one until all have had a chance to have the floor. Files, pictures and presentations can be shared if you have any. Please try to stay muted when someone has the floor.