Is it too hard to start out on HF with QRP?

Do you have a question about choosing a radio, installing an antenna, or are you simply seeking advice about getting started in QRP and field radio? This is a place where you can ask your questions and seek guidance from a wide variety of radio enthusiasts. No questions are too simple. You will be treated with respect here.
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:01 pm

Re: Is it too hard to start out on HF with QRP?

Post by w2tef »

(Looks on qrz...) Oh, THAT Teri. What a small world. Thanks for your entertaining and educational posts on qrper, Teri! GL with your 2024 goal!
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 19, 2023 1:37 am

Re: Is it too hard to start out on HF with QRP?

Post by KO4WFP »


Thank you for the compliment re: my posts. They are a joy to share with others, especially those who are unable to activate POTA and as such live vicariously through the posts. Being a CW QRP POTA Babe has been a wonderful adventure, one I hope continues for a long time. Hope to see you on the air sometime. Keep having fun with CW!

onward and upward...Teri KO4WFP
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