PRC319 Loaner Program

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PRC319 Loaner Program

Post by w0rw »

PRC319 Free Loaner Program

You have probably seen my PRC319 in action..

i now have a PRC319 'Loaner' now available to any QRPer Group member in the USA.
(Our local Astronomy Club has a 'Loaner' telescope for beginners. That's where i got the idea).

If you have been wanting to try one out, here is your chance.
If you are not familiar with the 319, you can read the
G0ozs's web site at:

This is a fixed frequency, channelized radio, so there is no tuning around.
It runs 5W or 50W.

If you want to borrow this PRC319, i will send you the PRC319 Loan Agreement.
There is only 1 unit available.
When it becomes available, i will notify you and you will then send me $100 for shipping.
You must pay the shipping (about $75) and insurance (about $25 for $1500 insurance) both ways.
Any excess shipping fees will be refunded.

You can borrow it FREE for up to 60 days.
Alternate plan: You can reserve it for your 2 week vacation to Colorado Springs (COS).
Pick it up, use it for POTA/SOTA's and return it all FREE.
i can include a LiIon battery for local pickups.

Sorry, no shipments can be made outside of the CONUS or to AK, HI, or PR.

It comes with an Antenna Tuner (TURF), Handset, 8 foot whip and a 110VAC / 25 VDC power supply. .
You must use your own key/keyer.
No battery is included, They are too heavy to ship around the country.
You can use your own 24V battery.
You must have a General or higher class FCC license and be listed in the FCC data base.
This 319 was donated to the '319 Loaner Program' by Clare Owens Jr, N2RJB, Apex, NC.
and accessories by G8LIT.
Reply direct to

Paul Signorelli W0RW
905 Zodiac Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80905
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