Michigan QRP Club Zoom meeting

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Michigan QRP Club Zoom meeting

Post by AB8DF »

Please join us Thursday (and every Thursday) at 4PM Eastern for the Michigan QRP Club weekly QRP Chat where the main topics will be QRP and other ham interests. It's fun, it's easy, and it's free. You only need a computer, a smart phone, or a tablet that can connect to the Internet. OR if you can't be close to any of those you can join by audio with any standard phone. Just follow the directions below. No software needs be loaded or installed. Anyone can join and non members are welcome. Details are here:
Thursdays topic will be baluns and ununs

We had nine folks join us for the chat on 10 October. The topic was vertical antenna phasing.

Pete WK8S
Ernie W3ETE
Stuart M0SGV
Dave N8SBE
Peter K6PLI
Yvon AE7YD
Neil N9NL

We went over several on line resources that are about phased verticals. The links are below. The paper by W7EL has been the most used reference. Most of the other references build on and expand the W7EL work and the forced current approach. The ARRL Antenna Book is also a popular reference. Someone mentioned the “Array of Light” book. It has 332 pages of writing and photos. It has information you won't find anywhere else. It is focused on verticals, empirical testing, VOR development, repurposing old material & more. Not sure how much it has on phasing.

ON4UN's Low Band DXing book has a lot of good information on verticals including a whole chapter on phased arrays. It is considered one of the better references on phased arrays.

Other items discussed included the recent G3 storms. Some have been listening to the Hurricane frequencies Daytime: 14.325 MHz (USB) and Nighttime: 7.268 MHz (LSB). A very fun QRP event is coming up. It is the annual Zombie Shuffle. Check you favorite contest calendar for the most up to date link. We talked about the CESSSB being developed for the QRP Labs QMX / QMX+. Ernie mentioned a book he is reading. It is ‘The CW Way of Life” by Chris Rutkowski.

Next week topic will be Balun / unun design / modeling

https://www.hamsignal.com/blog/2-elemen ... st-attempt
https://www.qsl.net/xe1cdx/Hamdocs/40/4 ... 20Loop.pdf

I found a user manual for EZNEC antenna modeling software which was part of last weeks chat:
https://eznec.com/misc/EZNEC_Printable_ ... ual_A4.pdf

Anyone can take the floor and tell us about their knowledge of baluns and ununs. We will go one by one until all have had a chance to have the floor. Files, pictures and presentations can be shared if you have any. There will be time for comments and questions. Please try to stay muted when someone has the floor.
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