New to this board but have a question I'm sure you all can puzzle out.
I was at a lethargic point in my amateur radio life until a month ago. Sure I participated
in the local nets and attend our local amateur society meetings but 4-5 weeks ago I stumbled
on a YouTube of a man in Arizona way off the road with a small radio communicating with
someone in Montreal.....
Then I found ThomasK4SWL.
I've been studying CW ever since

A good thing at my age (approaching 70)....might help
keep the dementia away for a while haha.
So far I'm learning Morse via phone apps and YouTubes.
I do not have an HF rig yet (but am studying for a General license
and another radio (I'm licensed at Tech Plus and have several 2m/70cm radios).
I wonder if there is something I can purchase (affordable since I'm saving money for the radio) that
would allow a Morse Code key to be plugged in that I could practice on. I would need to purchase
a key as well. This something needs of course to allow me to hear what I'm key'ing but would allow
me to start encoding in my mind what it actually feels like to key, establish a rhythm, etc.
So is there something out there?
Thanks. Robert W6RYM