Michigan QRP Club Zoom meeting

Do you have a question about choosing a radio, installing an antenna, or are you simply seeking advice about getting started in QRP and field radio? This is a place where you can ask your questions and seek guidance from a wide variety of radio enthusiasts. No questions are too simple. You will be treated with respect here.
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Michigan QRP Club Zoom meeting

Post by AB8DF »

We had eleven folks at the 2 January Michigan QRP Club weekly Zoom chat. Please join us Thursday January 9th (and every Thursday) at 4PM Eastern for the Michigan QRP Club weekly QRP Chat where the main topics will be QRP and other ham interests. New hams are encouraged to participate and ask questions. It's fun, it's easy, and it's free. You only need a computer, a smart phone, or a tablet that can connect to the Internet. OR if you can't be close to any of those you can join by audio with any standard phone. Just follow the directions below. No software needs be loaded or installed. Anyone can join and non members are welcome. Details are here:
Thursdays topics will be CW verses SSB for QRP and the Michigan Mighty Mite transmitter.

Pete WK8S
Ernie W3ETE
Jacob N3JU
Frank KB4VU
Stuart M0SGV
Larry AC8YE
Tony W8CDC
Casey KC9IH
Rick K8BMA

Pete is researching hydraulic masts. They cost a bunch but they are pretty cool.

Went over the list of contests coming up in 2025. Looked at serval that are fun QRPers.

Larry is in Florida doing POTA and QRP. Lots of QRP rigs. Has a KH1 and uses a bunch of different antennas. Pete asked about his experiences with the Elecraft whip antenna. Pete also picked Larry’s brain on the set up he uses for his POTAs. Ernie asked Larry about the KH1 key. He has mixed feelings about the Elecraft KH1 key. N6ARA and K6ARK paddles.

Jacob just got parts for his Michigan Mighty Mite and there are more on the way but he needs to finish his QMX before doing any MMM building.

We talked a little bit about the Michigan Mighty Mite revival for the FDIM club night. Standby for an announcement about the event.

Ed has a new space heater in the basement shack. No more shivering while trying to send CW. The CW practice session he had today was rough because of the solar conditions. 40 meters was very noisy. He is going through his junk box looking for parts for his MMM. Thinking about using a T68-2 for the coil instead of a pill bottle. Hopes to improve the second harmonic output because of the higher Q. Casey said he sticking with the original design. He hates winding toroids. He would like to find some RF chokes he could use in place of the coil.

Tom fixed his FT8 feedback issue. He gets RF feedback when he uses his amplified speakers. The fix was to use earphones!

Rick got a JBL powered speaker that he uses with his QRP Labs rigs. He has no problems with RF feedback.

The topic for January 9th will be CW verses SSB for QRP and the Michigan Mighty Mite transmitter. Anyone can take the floor and ask questions. We will go one by one until all have had a chance to have the floor. Files, pictures and presentations can be shared if you have any. There will be time for comments and questions. Please try to stay muted when someone has the floor.

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