I will be doing another CW on the air practice session Friday Evening at 23:00 UTC / 6:00 PM EST. Anyone is welcome. This practice is intended for operators who are new to CW or they need some practice. IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW POOR YOUR CW IS. Mistakes are OK. Poor fists are OK. Slow speed is OK. Really slow speed is OK. This practice is meant for you to improve your CW. I will do my best to adjust to your skill level. Operate at any power level. If several stations show up, I will operate as a round-table control station. I will do it as a round-table so everyone gets a chance to transmit. Please listen to my directions.
I checked propagation using VOACAP and the Ham contest calendar. It looks like 40 should be OK. I am a bachelor this weekend so my calendar opened up. Plan on being on the air for at least several of hours on Friday. I will need some breaks. I am also looking at morning sessions on Saturday and Sunday. I will send out separate notices for them if they are a go.
Time - 23:00 UTC / 6:00 PM EST
Band - 40 Meters
How to find me - I will find a clear frequency and call CQ. Go to the Reverse Beacon Network and search for my call sign AB8DF.
That will tell you what frequency I am on. Tune your station to that frequency and if you hear me give me a call. If there is a QSO in progress, please wait for a break in the action. Then send your callsign. If I hear you, I will invite you to join the QSO and start a round-table QSO.
Reply to this email if you have questions.
CW practice / rag chew on 1/17/25
CW practice / rag chew on 1/17/25
Last edited by AB8DF on Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: CW practice / rag chew on 1/6/25
Thanks for doing this! This is exactly what I've been looking for!
72 / 73 and God bless you de AF7EC!

72 / 73 and God bless you de AF7EC!

Re: CW practice / rag chew on 1/6/25
I love to see this! Is the sloping doublet a requirement? HIHI