We had sixteen folks at the 16 January Michigan QRP Club weekly Zoom chat. Please join us Thursday January 23rd (and every Thursday) at 4PM Eastern for the Michigan QRP Club weekly QRP Chat where the main topics will be QRP and other ham interests. New hams are encouraged to participate and ask questions. It's fun, it's easy, and it's free. You only need a computer, a smart phone, or a tablet that can connect to the Internet. OR if you can't be close to any of those you can join by audio with any standard phone. Just follow the directions below. No software needs be loaded or installed. Anyone can join and non members are welcome. Details are here:
Thursdays topics will include Dave N8SBE talking about the various reporters like PSK reporter and WSPR net.
Pete WK8S
Ernie W3ETE
Tony W8CDC
Jerry K5SOP
Casey KC9IH
Larry AC8YE
Jacob N3JU
Dave N8SBE
Bill KU8H
John M7FZC
Stuart M0SGV
Yvon AD7YE
Mark WQ8S
Tony lead the discussion. He gave a summary of the last few days he had on FT8. Uses a cheap version of Digital Geochron.
https://www.geochron.com/product-catego ... n-digital/
It tells him what bands are open. Got away from PSK and now does FT8. Talked about the various reporters PSK reporter and WSPR net.
John asked Tony about how he connects up his QMX for FT8.
Stuart uses QMX for his FT8. He has been very successful with it. Does not typically use any of the reporters.
Dave has WSJX connected to HRD. KX2 and a sound card dongle for portable FT8. Uses 5 or 10 watts but his KXP100 makes a big difference. He has come across 1000 watt stations on FT8. Technician class should have digital privileges on HF to encourage more praticpation. He showed a PSK reporter screen. He had many spots that his station heard and talked to some of the features that were on the screen. We looked at several things one was propagation. It shows where your signal is going.
Tom asked when has FT8 became popular. We all had some idea when we got started 2018? 2017 was when JT released it.
Casey thought FT8 was completely hands off mode where there is not operator intervention. We corrected him and although it is highly automated, it is not automatous.
Yvon says there is software that will do automated FT8 QSO’s. He uses regular it to test antennas and propagation.
Pete showed a presentation on his CW VOX kit. It converts human voice into keyed CW. Allows folks who may not have the physical hand ability to send CW. They can speak into it dits and dahs and it will key a transmitter.
Jacob has been working on his Michigan Mighty Mite.
The topic for January 23rd will have Dave N8SBE talk about the various reporters like PSK reporter and WSPR net. Anyone can take the floor and ask questions. We will go one by one until all have had a chance to have the floor. Files, pictures and presentations can be shared if you have any. There will be time for comments and questions. Please try to stay muted when someone has the floor.