Which radio to take?

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Which radio to take?

Post by M0RGM »

Hi all,

Just catching up ahead of my road trip around the coast of Scotland and I face a dilemma, which radio(s) do I take? I’ll be away for 10 days and off grid with only very limited vehicle power for operation and charging whilst mobile.

Have dismissed my KX2 as I’ll likely deplete the battery within a couple of days and then won’t be able to charge, similarly my veteran FT817; so my current plan is Xiegu G90 for mobile, Xiegu X5105 for camping and stashed in the vehicle as back-up my MTR3B, SW3b or QCX Mini. Antennas will be mobile hamsticks and a lightweight EFHW for use with trees or Sotabeams compact mast.

If only the KX2 had a mobile charger…. I’d only need the one rig!


Richard M0RGM
Brian - K3ES
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Re: Which radio to take?

Post by Brian - K3ES »

M0RGM wrote: Sat Jul 23, 2022 6:39 am Hi all,

Just catching up ahead of my road trip around the coast of Scotland and I face a dilemma, which radio(s) do I take? I’ll be away for 10 days and off grid with only very limited vehicle power for operation and charging whilst mobile.

Have dismissed my KX2 as I’ll likely deplete the battery within a couple of days and then won’t be able to charge, similarly my veteran FT817; so my current plan is Xiegu G90 for mobile, Xiegu X5105 for camping and stashed in the vehicle as back-up my MTR3B, SW3b or QCX Mini. Antennas will be mobile hamsticks and a lightweight EFHW for use with trees or Sotabeams compact mast.

If only the KX2 had a mobile charger…. I’d only need the one rig!


Richard M0RGM
Hi Richard,

I often power my KX2 with an external battery. Specifications say it will work with anything from 8 to 15 volts. I use LiFePO4 batteries sized to give extended operating time. I expect you could use something in the specified voltage range for which you have a mobile charger. You can even unplug the internal battery to keep it ready for limited, but really compact operations.

Enjoy your road trip!

73 de Brian - K3ES
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Re: Which radio to take?

Post by K1GC »

If you have external power for the other radios, why not use that source for the KX2? I almost always KX2 from an external battery and I save the internal for a backup or an occasional quick use.

Have a great trip.
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Re: Which radio to take?

Post by K4SWL »

So I feel I need to chime in here and encourage you to take the KX2 as well. :)

As Brian mentioned, the KX2 is quite flexible in terms of power sources--indeed, one of the most flexible radios I own in that regard.

I own an X5105 and owned a G90 in the past. They're great radios, but are 3 or more times *less* efficient than the KX2 is on receive. The KX2 will be way more miserly with your battery source in every way.

I use LiFePo4 batteries with my KX2 all the time. I can charge those batteries can be charged by mains or solar power.

I'm here in Canada on 7 weeks of travel and if I could have only taken one radio, it would have been the KX2.

Just my two cents!

And let me say: a road trip around the coast of Scotland? Yes, please! :) I love Scotland but have never explored the east coast nor the north--only the west coast and Outer Hebrides.

K4SWL (VY2SW at present!)
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Re: Which radio to take?

Post by M0RGM »

Hi all,

In the end I went with the KX2, for power using the battery pack (LiOn) normally used with my TX500, the internal battery as my back up!

A short session last night from the second campsite near Inverness (and adjacent to the sea) saw a 20m SSB contact into the Czech Republic on 5w (turned down to just 3w) gaining a 59 report.

Nothing on CW, though RBN across Europe was detecting. Problems with the teneke key (or out of practice with it). May revert to my back up paddle.

As for backup radios I brought the SW3b and a small battery pack - Hidden away under the drivers seat of my little 4x4 - the XYL only smiled when I pulled that out!

So the KX2 wins again - maybe time to sell off some of the others - they rarely get a look in! That way I can fund the KXPD2 paddle which is eye wateringly expensive in the UK.


Richard M0RGM (currently MM0RGM/M)
Brian - K3ES
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Re: Which radio to take?

Post by Brian - K3ES »

Well done Richard! I frequently ask myself which radio to take on any particular outing. It is always a difficult decision, even with only 3 radios to choose from: KX2, TX-500, and TR-35. Each one has its benefits, and no one of them fully replaces the others. Most importantly, each one is great fun to operate.

Lately I have been favoring the KX2, most likely because I have built a really tiny kit for it, while the other radios' kits are a bit bigger and heavier. Fortunately for me, all 3 can run with the same LiFePO4 battery packs (though the KX2 gains a slight advantage from its its internal LiPo for short outings).

I wish you the very best on your travels. It sounds like you are off on an amazing trip!

Best 73 de Brian - K3ES
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Re: Which radio to take?

Post by M0RGM »

One week on from my return and an opportunity to think about use and reconcile against my other radios. Long and short, the KX2 operated flawlessly and did everything I asked of it. The one thing I need to think about is how to mount the radio in my small 4x4 as it would have been great to use mobile too. Need to look at some form of holder (not an issue with the KX2).

Had a little fun with the SW-3B too, though by the time you add battery and key it takes up as big a footprint as the KX2.

In summary, the KX2 wins on all counts and I can't think of a radio that better suits my needs, surpassing even my TX500.

Thanks for all the comments.

Richard M0RGM
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