Paddle Config

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Paddle Config

Post by M0RGM »

One for the CW ops amongst us....

When I moved over from straight key to paddle, I really struggled with the paddle configuration, in that I struggled with the traditional right paddle dahs and left paddle dits. After some time I tried the reverse and found that using the key in left hand mode with my right hand was so much easier, in fact almost instinctive.

I'm wondering if this is something to do with my somewhat dyslexic brain, or more common than I think. Interestingly, during a recent morse refresher with CW Academy (highly recommend their courses), it appeared to be a style little heard of.

So first question, does anyone else key this way?

Second question. Some of my radios don't have a setting for reverse key polarity, so where possible I have cross wired keys or made up a patch lead; however, I like to keep "go bags" with radios, keys and antennas packed. Given this, does anyone know of a source of 3.5mm TRS polarity change leads or even TRS polarity change adaptors? I know it's a long shot, but thought I would ask before buying all the stuff and spending time making up a batch of leads.

Thanks for reading.

Richard M0RGM
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Re: Paddle Config

Post by M0RGM »

Sometimes I marvel at my own stupidty, in not being able to recognise the glaring and obvious solution!

I happened to dig out an old Hi-mound "Manipulator" from the back of a draw and notice that it was not keying the right way for me. The solution, simple, reverse the wiring on the pins and away it went (albeit clunkily in comparison with my Begalli). Then it dawned on me, the answer to my problem was staring me in my face - reverse the connections at the key! Embarrassed at my own stupidity I promptly "modded" my and Begalli Traveller - the latter not even requiring resoldering!

Moral of the story, step back and think, the simplest solution is often the easiest. Now please ignore my original post, I hope you at least have a laugh at my expense, I have.

73 DE Richard M0RGM . .
Posts: 88
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2022 5:06 am

Re: Paddle Config

Post by N8TGQ »

I know an operator that used a switch in his paddle lead so he could change the setup at will.
That way he could share with others that were with him, or use his paddles on another rig.

It's all about learning and discovering. Sounds like you made a good one!

73 de Rick N8TGQ
Rick N8TGQ
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