Shoulder Sling Antenna Mount

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Shoulder Sling Antenna Mount

Post by w0rw »

The Most Difficult Thing About operating (/PM) Pedestrian Mobile is finding a way to hook your antenna to your body.
Of course if you have a big backpack you can just clamp it to the back pack, but what if you have a really small hand held rig and no backpack?

I use my KX1 or Penntek TR-35 QRP rig as /PM using this Shoulder Sling Antenna Mount. Easy on and easy off.

The antenna mount is like a rifle sling. One strap over my shoulder and one chest strap to keep it stable.

It supports my 6 to 10 foot whip and an Elecraft T1 tuner. It has a drag wire connected to it too.

The whip base and T1 Tuner are attached to the top of a small 3-foot-long board (3/4 inches thick and 3 inches wide). The board has a small counterweight (or water bottle) at the bottom to keep the whip vertical.

Paul W0RW
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