POTA in the US Southwest - Antenna Choices?

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POTA in the US Southwest - Antenna Choices?

Post by MarkJY »

I am considering travel to Arizona later this year, and while there would like to visit some state and national parks for hiking and POTA. Here in the Great Lakes area, trees are plentiful so my go-to antenna choices are resonant wires in trees. Looking for feedback from others who have operated POTA from the US Southwest - what are your go-to antenna's? Is a wire still an option without a mast? Will travel by air so looking to see if I can pack light/small and get by without a mast or vertical. I do have an AX1 so that may be the best travel option but maybe not the best when it comes to making contacts in this area of the country. Thanks in advance for your input.

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Re: POTA in the US Southwest - Antenna Choices?

Post by N8TGQ »

Hey Mark
I would check ahead to see if the parks you plan to work allow wires in their trees. Many US and state parks don't.

I needed a mast while traveling once. I went to Walmart and got a telescoping fishing rod It was only 13 feet high, but better than nothing! I also got a long-shanked screwdriver, stuck it in the ground and slid the bottom of the fishing pole over it. I used a real light EFHW antenna in an inverted v configuration. The far end had a length of string attached and stretched out to a filled water bottle. The pole was less than $20, and I sold it to a hotel employee for $10 when I left. Take along a short piece of wire or string to hold the antenna wire at the top of the pole.

Have fun on your trip!

Rick N8TGQ
Rick N8TGQ
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