Paddle for KX2

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Paddle for KX2

Post by KO6FE »

I'm looking for a paddle to mount on my KX2. I see three ways to go. I could get the KXPD2, I could get the Begali Adventure, or I could use a paddle that isn't attached to the rig.

I have seen negative reviews of the KXPD3, but nothing about the KXPD2. How good are they?
We know Begali is good. I'd choose to spend less money if I can, but could stretch for the Begali if advised by people who know.
Or, just use an external key...

I should mention that I am not a good CW operator, but I'm working to change that. SOTA and POTA are my main reasons for wanting to do CW.

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Re: Paddle for KX2

Post by kc0myw »

I have a KXPD2 that I got when I ordered my KX2 but have never even attached it to the radio so cannot speak to how good it is or give you a review.

I can certainly see how in some situations it might be nice to have it attached like that, but personally I prefer to have a separate key or paddle. A lot of this depends on your particular situation. Ergonomically when I am doing a POTA activation, I generally have my log book and key/paddle directly in front of me (or on my lap as the situation requires and sometimes the key is actually on top of the log) and the rig is a bit further away to where I can reach it but it won't get bumped or dropped. I think if I were using the KXPD2 or a paddle attached to the rig, I would feel like I'm trying to juggle back and forth between the log and the radio. Another consideration is for packing and transport, a rectangular shaped rig seems more convenient and pack-able than having the awkward shape with the paddle sticking out in the middle of the long side.

Having said that, I ordered the KXPD2 with my rig because I do see value in it and it could be more convenient to have 1 less thing to connect, an all in one package, and I seem to remember reading some favorable reviews of that paddle. If I were going out to play on the radio and make some contacts and just operate without doing POTA or feeling like I need to worry about keeping an accurate log, I think it would be much more comfortable because I would just hold the rig with one hand and operate the paddle with the other.

Personally, while I really like my big/heavy keys and paddles at home, my go-to for field ops is to use one of the keys (yes, I generally use straight-key more often than paddles) from and a 3ft cable to connect it to the rig. That cable length seems to be long enough without being too long and having a bunch of extra cable laying around or in the pack.
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Re: Paddle for KX2

Post by SkipRD »

I agree with the comment above -- it all depends on how you operate. The only time I've seen anyone (Thomas K4SWL, mostly) use his KXPD2 paddle is when he's sitting on a fold-up backpacking chair, or a rock at a summit, or some such thing, and he's got his KX2 attached to a kneeboard on his leg. In fact, in a very recent video (the 9/4 activation at Lake James SP ( ... tate-park/), he says as much.

And, of course, it also depends on personal preference. As you know, hams like to fight about everything, and I'm sure the question "which paddle is best?" leads to as many brawls as any. :lol:

FWIW, I second the recommendations for the CWMorse paddles. They're very well made and affordable. I'm not too keen on the N0SA-style version, although most people LOVE it! The machined aluminum Pocket Paddle gets particularly good reviews, although I use just the garden-variety outdoor paddle and it works fine. ( ... e-code-key).

73 Skip K4EAK
Andrew (grayhat)
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Re: Paddle for KX2

Post by Andrew (grayhat) »

have a look here ... B0BCFNQTFF

and here too ... E0D6BD057A

sure, they aren't Vibroplex or Begali, yet the price is interesting and they also offer spare parts, if needed, plus the neodymium magnets allow to "stick" the paddle to the rig...
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Re: Paddle for KX2

Post by KO6FE »

Thank you everyone. You have saved me some money.

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Re: Paddle for KX2

Post by kx9rt »

I have been using the single lever for years. Great paddle. He also sells and adapter base to run stand alone.
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Re: Paddle for KX2

Post by KL7MJ »

I prefer single lever paddles too. This K6ARK 3D printed paddle is great - I have one for each radio: ... cootie-key

It isn't quite as nice as my vibrokeyer, but it is a lot more portable!

Mike, KL7MJ
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