Self Spotting QRP Cluster
Self Spotting QRP Cluster
Hi everyone ,I am new to this forum but enjoy QRP operation very much, there is a new self spotting which is aimed primerally towards those stations that operate with low power,portable,mobile etc.We all know the difficulties associated with running low power,it is difficult sometimes to break a pile up or make that much required DX contact!..when I go on the air the first thing I do is self spot myself on the website before I call CQ,you can also see what other stations are currently active as well !, please check out WWW.QRPCLUSTER.COM ..also please visit QRP cluster creator Paul 0M0ET on his YouTube page for further information ,Paul live streams most weekends and is particularly interested in contacting QRP stations when he is active..I have no affiliation with the website,Im just the same as everyone else on here..a QRP GUY
..thanks and 73