Favorite portable antenna

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Favorite portable antenna

Post by KG5CMS »

Good evening.

Do you have a favorite portable HF antenna?

The Chameleon CHA LEFS is probably mine. I have homebrewed end feds before but mine are not as sturdy or robust and Chameleon's.

I love reading about antennas so please chime in.

-73 & Merry Christmas,

-Don KG5CMS.
Posts: 88
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2022 5:06 am

Re: Favorite portable antenna

Post by N8TGQ »

Check my antenna setup over in the field reports section:

Rick N8TGQ
Posts: 81
Joined: Mon May 15, 2023 9:06 pm

Re: Favorite portable antenna

Post by KL7MJ »

I'm a big fan of end-fed antennas - they're cheap, easy to deploy and versatile. I've made several EFHW antennas including a couple with traps that work great without a tuner. I'm currently using a 35.5 ft EFRW with a tuner as my "primary" antenna. The most amazing contact with it was with Kazakhstan on 30m using a QDX on FT8 from northern VA (and he called me)!
The only time I've had an issue with this type of antenna was in AZ, where I couldn't find a decent tree to hang a wire in. Then I used my trusty magloop as a backup, successfully activating two parks.

Mike, KL7MJ
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