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First QSO's

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 2:15 pm
Hi I'm a little overly excited and wanted to tell yall I made my first couple of QSO's hunting parks yesterday - I worked two stations in three parks on SSB on 20 and 40m, and one station on two bands with cw and:

1. I did not catch on fire,
2. my radio, antenna, and home did not catch on fire,
3. nobody got mad at me for sending CW with a wide farnsworth, without a platinum-embossed placard on my wall indicating I've completed the Master's Level of CW Knowledge and Operation at 45 WPM from the ARRL High Command and FCC Constabulary.

I've really just been listening to POTA activation videos from Thomas K4SWL on youtube during my work commutes for the past 6 weeks and practicing copying for about 30 mins a day. The POTA exchange seems drilled into my brain, but I still had to write down what I wanted to send before sending. Theory and Practice are different things!

Anyway, I wanted to say thanks, and that I'm excited to get into a new hobby <3

72/73 KQ4EHE Andrew

Re: First QSO's

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 6:50 am
by N8TGQ
Congratulations and welcome to the fun, Andrew!
You're right about theory and practice. But, as a guitar teacher once told me, there's also a big difference between practice and actually playing. After 30 years I'm still learning to play.
I started with CW and QRP and still have no microphones in the shack. I have no interest in the xxOTAs and organized "atari with antennas" groups, but I'm happy to see them keeping CW so popular.
My interest now is the QRPp area, running 100-200 milliwatts from homemade transmitters. There's something for everyone.
I look forward to working you one day when I'm stumbling along at my 15 WPM!

73 Rick N8TGQ

Re: First QSO's

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 12:46 pm
by Andrew (grayhat)
THIS is the spirit behind this forum, thank you both, guys !

Re: First QSO's

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 10:47 pm
by Wize1
Amazingly, my first QRP contacts on my G90 in Connecticut, were Bosnia and Italy at 1AM EDT.! ;) PS.. Was just using an indoor end fed!

Re: First QSO's

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 8:23 pm
I finished my first successful activation this afternoon! If you contacted me, thanks a lot! 18 contacts with 5w and some speaker wire!

Re: First QSO's

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 9:25 pm
by Wize1
Were you using just a 28 1/2 foot radiator with a counterpoise?

Re: First QSO's

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 9:53 pm
Yes, ~18’ counterpoise into a ZM-2 tuner into FT-817