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ABR Industries 23316-BM-25-3ferrite

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:38 pm
by ns6x
In several recent posts, Tom uses a 25' RG-316 coax to connect his radio to his antenna. It was made for him by ABR Industries, part #23316-BM-25-3ferrite. He has his usual link to the item in his post. The link is no longer working. When I have gone to the ABR website, I get an error message - product not found. They are polite, and say sorry. I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction for the coax. I need to buy some bulk RG-316, and when I went to the site a few weeks ago, on the link to the coax, I did find the 25' coax at a reasonable price. I decided to buy the coax that Tom posted, using his link to give him either a few pennies or support that his marketing is working.
Any suggestions?

John, NS6X

Re: ABR Industries 23316-BM-25-3ferrite

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 9:45 pm
by kc0myw
I just checked and the in-post links seem to be working now.

The in-post links that I'm finding with a quick look are to the product page for it on HRO and it shows up as being ~$60 and currently out of stock:

ABR does have their: Amateur Radio Coax Builder and knowing what the product is, it could be ordered that way:
ABR316 cable
25 feet length
Connector A: BNC Male
Connector B: BNC Male
Ferrites: 3

Doing this comes up with a total ~$70 so would be a bit cheaper to order it from HRO and wait for the backorder to fill, but depending how quickly you want to get it perhaps you'd rather spend a bit more...

Another consideration would be shipping charges.

Oh, and I haven't checked with Thomas but it doesn't look like his HRO links are links that would give him any sort of commission on the sale.