sBitx - any good ?

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Andrew (grayhat)
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sBitx - any good ?

Post by Andrew (grayhat) »

Just noticed that the same folk(s) behind the uBitx made a new model, this one is called sBitx

and seems to offer quite a buch of features, but then it's an SDR and I wonder if it may be plagued by the same issues of other SDR based rigs, including the fact that they often have a too wide frontend and tend to overload in presence of strong signals

So... does anyone have infos/pointers related to the sBitx ?
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Re: sBitx - any good ?

Post by w2tef »

No info per se: I just stumbled across the sBitx this week myself. It looks fascinating. Though the price is approaching that of a used IC-7300.

I did notice some cross-pollination: a couple of the sages from the QRP-Labs forum (Allison KB1GMX, Evan AC9TU) are also answering questions on the BITX20 forum (where sbitx is the main topic of conversation). Also Farhan, the designer.

Definitely something to keep an eye on. I, too, am interested in infos / pointers!
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Re: sBitx - any good ?

Post by Ikey »

Got one.
Only using it with the native FT8 program, no other modes.
A bit nervous about the reports of blown finals over 2:1 SWR and the spares included.
Operating at 70% power and just made qso number 275.
It runs very well, some minor quirks and unfamiliarity with Linux.
Neighbor ham saw it and got one, he reports the same results.
This is hard to explain, but I feel, reading the .io blog that the folks are more interested in Raspberry pi than they are about the fact that this is a ham radio.
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Re: sBitx - any good ?

Post by KM7DG »

I suppose that I am in that camp that is interested in the microprocessor as much as in the radio. I find it intriguing that a basic computer can be made to do all these things and with a few electronic devices added can become a viable transceiver. Power is an issue for some but for most QRP folks the unit will be right up their alley. We for years have mated desktop or laptop computers with our transceivers in order run FT8 and the other digital modes and some operators have used computers to encode and decode cw. This small radio does those things and more.

Cost? It is not as inexpensive as their earlier models like the uBitx but considering the cost of most things these days it still seems fairly reasonable. Freight alone has sky rocketed. Also, you can purchase a sBitx stateside from Gigaparts and get quick delivery.

Anyone who has experimented with Arduino or RPi devices will appreciate the time and effort that went into this program and also welcome the fact that it is open source and the owner is free to modify as much as he/she desires.

Another look in a year of so will certainly determine the acceptance of this design of SDR.
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