ATS-20+ with ATS20_EX firmware

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ATS-20+ with ATS20_EX firmware

Post by KL7MJ »

The ATS-20+ is an SDR receiver that covers from broadcast AM to broadcast FM. The SDR runs on an arduino and the firmware can be modified and updated by the user.
I installed ATS-20_EX from and it's a game changer! The radio went from being a toy for SWL listening to a useful receiver for ham operations. It now covers AM/FM/SSB and CW, with the tuning step as low as 10Hz. I've been using it on the breakfast table with a short whip antenna and it does an amazing job picking up SSB and CW on 40m. Now all I need to do is build a transmitter to go with it!
A quick scan on Amazon showed it as cheap as $30. I think it would be a great Christmas present for any ham!

Mike, KL7MJ
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Re: ATS-20+ with ATS20_EX firmware

Post by N5FY »

This looks like a fun little reciever. Heaven knows i don't need another... hihi
It is great to see active development on the firmware side after hardware is available!

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