Assembling a K6ARK unun for EFHW, I broke off and lost the surface-mount capacitor. Anyone know its value? 100pf? Several online reports suggest the capacitor is not essential on a EFHW at 20 meters and lower frequency. I will pair this with a SW-3B (40-30-20meter), so am inclined to to finish assembly and see how it works without the capacitor. Any thoughts?
thanks, geoff, N3CFX
k6ark efhw capacitor
Re: k6ark efhw capacitor
Hi Geoff
I've built several ununs with and without the cap and have yet to experience any ill effects without it at for 40 to10m efhw antennas used at 10w or less power levels.
I've built several ununs with and without the cap and have yet to experience any ill effects without it at for 40 to10m efhw antennas used at 10w or less power levels.
Re: k6ark efhw capacitor
Agree, not essential. 100ohm. Will not have much noticeable effect on that antenna.
Re: k6ark efhw capacitor
My understanding is that the capacitor helps on the higher bands (15/12/10m) but is not necessary for the lower bands. I usually use a 100pf cap in my builds, but I've never really tested its importance.
Mike, KL7MJ
My understanding is that the capacitor helps on the higher bands (15/12/10m) but is not necessary for the lower bands. I usually use a 100pf cap in my builds, but I've never really tested its importance.
Mike, KL7MJ