tr USDX doesn't work.

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tr USDX doesn't work.

Post by Wywhy »

How all. First post to this site.

I have been interested in activating parks and I have been trying to get a go bag ready. I wanted to start out small at first to see how it went. I purchased a tr USDX from Amazon by DL2MAN, but ever since I got it I have not been able to get it going.

I followed the instruction sheet that came with the radio to a T, but it just doesn't work. No matter what I do with the programming, it will not load my call, or work at all.

The sheet said that the serial number should be on the screen and if it isn't there, it could be defective. All it shows is 'trusdx' in the upper corner.

Is there some way to erase the programming and start over, or is there someone who could check it and see if it is defective? Have had no joy with Amazon. I understand it is a compromise radio, but it should at least be able to hear signals.

Would appreciate any help. Thanks and 73.
Tom, W7WHY.
Brian - K3ES
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Re: tr USDX doesn't work.

Post by Brian - K3ES »

Hi Tom,

Welcome! I am not a trUSDX user, but I expect others can help. Also, try searching for trUSDX among prior posts. There may be something useful there.

I do want to commend you for testing out your system before setting out for your first activation. When it works, it will give you confidence that you can be successful. When it does not, it gives you the ability to trouble-shoot. It can be really frustrating to get to a park and find out something is missing or not working.

Well done! I'm sure you will get this problem solved.

Best 73 de Brian - K3ES
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Re: tr USDX doesn't work.

Post by Wywhy »

Thanks Brian

I have been licensed since '54 and have always been able to fix my own stuff, but working on SMD's is a different story. Lots easier to build tube stuff.

I have another rig that I usually keep in my popup camper. It is an older FT-450 that I usually toss that in when I go camping. 73
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Re: tr USDX doesn't work.

Post by KL7MJ »

I have a couple of (tr)uSDXs, so I think I can help.
The radio should have come with the serial number on a sheet of paper or something similar. I bought mine as kits and the serial number was on the parts bag.

Are you trying to install the latest firmware using these instructions? ... /beta.html

If you don't know the serial number enter zeros like the instructions say, and the radio will display the actual serial number. Then you enter it into the web page and it will generate the correct firmware.

By the way, the callsign is strictly cosmetic - the radio will work fine with trusdx in the top left.

Good luck with your new radio - these are fun little rigs!

Mike, KL7MJ
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Re: tr USDX doesn't work.

Post by Wywhy »

Hi Mike
My radio doesn't show the serial number on the screen like it says it should be according to the info that came with it. I do have the serial number on the plastic bag it came in.

The thing that worries me is that right after I purchased it, the listing on Amazon disappeared. No way to post feedback. I assume that was done on purpose. Right now I don't a very good opinion of this radio. Thanks for the reply and 73.
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Re: tr USDX doesn't work.

Post by KL7MJ »

Have you tried downloading the firmware using the serial number on the bag? If so, what happened?
Do you know what version of the software came installed on the radio?

Who was the seller on Amazon? I bought mine from Malahit and it works fine. Based on the issues you're having, it may not be a (tr)uSDX but rather a uSDX - still basically the same radio hardware wise, but you won't be able to load the official firmware. I wonder if it's too late to return it? The official seller on eBay is very easy to work with.

Mike, KL7MJ
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Re: tr USDX doesn't work.

Post by Wywhy »

Have you tried downloading the firmware using the serial number on the bag? If so, what happened?
Do you know what version of the software came installed on the radio?

>i tried loading it with the software provided and it didn't work

Who was the seller on Amazon? I bought mine from Malahit and it works fine.

>Mine came from Malahit, too.

Based on the issues you're having, it may not be a (tr)uSDX but rather a uSDX - still basically the same radio hardware wise, but you won't be able to load the official firmware.

> No, it is a 'real' (tr)USDX. It has the designers callsigns on the outside of the box.

I wonder if it's too late to return it? The official seller on eBay is very easy to work with.

>I can't return it as the listing was pulled the day after I got it. I went on Amazon to ask the seller about it, and the listing was already gone. There is no record on Amazon that I ever bought it. In the directions it said, "If rhe serial number is not on the screen, it may be defective." There was no serial number on the screen. I do have the number though, it was on the package it came in. Guess I will just toss it in the drawer and chalk it up to a bad deal.

73 and thanks for the reply.
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Re: tr USDX doesn't work.

Post by KL7MJ »

What do you get when you apply power to the radio? You should get a screen with (tr)uSDX in the top left corner, and the frequency and other info on the screen.
If it turns on, can you hear any signals? Can you transmit?

How exactly are you trying to upload new firmware? Are you inputting your callsign and serial number on the web page to download the firmware? Are you trying to upload from Windows, linux or Mac OS?

Another place to look for help is on the forum.

Mike, KL7MJ
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