Reverse Beacon Client App

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Reverse Beacon Client App

Post by Namu »

What RBN Client app does Thomas use during activation videos? Looks like iOS, but I’ve had trouble finding one.

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Re: Reverse Beacon Client App

Post by kc0myw »

I'll admit that I haven't watched all the videos all the way through, but I'm not sure what type of client app you are referring to. Would you be able to identify a specific point of a specific video where it can be seen to help others assist you?

The only thing I can think of that I've seen him use or heard him mention are the website and HAMRS logging software.

Is there some specific functionality or ability that you are looking for that someone could suggest a solution to?
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Re: Reverse Beacon Client App

Post by M0RGM »

Not sure about an app, but on Android I just access the RBN Web page - works for me. I've created a link on my "homescreen", so all you need to do is tap it and you are there.

73 Richard M0RGM
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Re: Reverse Beacon Client App

Post by Namu »

In this video, at around 9:38, he mentions the RBN has spotted him, and we see his phone screen…later he mentions he’s going to re-spot himself. This phone screen appears in other videos as well.

To be clear, I’m brand new to POTA and SOTA, and I’m just figuring out how all of this works.

When I’ve been exploring the RBN website, I haven’t yet seen anything that looks like what I see on his phone screen, and I am thinking it’s an app that in a RBN interface of sorts…but I’m not sure.
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Re: Reverse Beacon Client App

Post by kc0myw »

What is he showing there is on the website. You can just go to it in your browser and it will look about like that. That site is also used for spotting yourself or others on SSB not just CW but it ties into the RBN to update spots for current activations.
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Re: Reverse Beacon Client App

Post by Namu »

Much appreciated!

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Re: Reverse Beacon Client App

Post by AE8Q »

I am jumping into this thread a little late....

As others have indicated can be used to tell if RBN has picked you up.

I found a different way, I use an App on my phone called HamAlert and can setup a Trigger to send a push notification to me when my callsign is heard or spotted on RBN, POTA, or a DXSpoting site.

I believe I saw one of Tom's (K4SWL) recent videos where he indicated a friend recommended HamAlert and he was doing the same thing now.

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Re: Reverse Beacon Client App

Post by ns6x »

I did my first CW activation yesterday, using HAMRS. Apparently, HAMRS connects with the RBN spotting network, and showed when I was spotted. I was surprised, and happy.
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