Compact Field Kit Bag Suggestion

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Compact Field Kit Bag Suggestion

Post by N9DXP »


I am putting together a SOTA field kit with my MTR 2 radio. I really like the Tom Bihn HLT2 that Thomas used for his MTR-3B field kit. The dimensions are 9.1" x 5.3". I am using a cut down clip board for a "Flight Deck" which I have attached both the radio and Palm Paddle key (see attached photo). I really like having the key held on the board. The problem is that the dimensions of the board is 9" x 8". Could anyone suggest a bag similar to the HLt2 but slight larger to fit my Flight Deck?

Thanks and 72,

George, N9DXP
Johnson City, TN
Flight Deck 3.jpg
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Re: Compact Field Kit Bag Suggestion

Post by N8TGQ »

Hi George-

Outfitting your field kit is as much fun as operating out in the field!

Have you considered resizing your flight deck board to fit the pack you want to use? My MTR-3b went through many different versions until I finally settled on one. It has been in this version for 5 years now. I can't think of anything to add.
I agree with Thomas that having everything together for that kit is the way to go. I also like having everything connected up and ready to go.

Once I found the case I wanted, I cut a piece of cardboard to fit. Then I spent a few times at the park figuring out how to arrange everything for the most practical setup. A major plus with a board is you can customize all the wires and leads to just the length you need, and not have extra. I also saved a lot of space by soldering wires directly to the tuner and paddles to eliminate those connectors. I also made my own paddles to fit, so I have room to carry the EFHW antenna, a 9v backup battery and kite string and fishing weight to get the wire up in the trees.

Have fun! You will always think of better setups so this one is just part of the journey.
MTR3b.jpg (108.55 KiB) Viewed 4698 times
Rick N8TGQ
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Re: Compact Field Kit Bag Suggestion

Post by N9DXP »

Hello Rick,

Thanks for your reply. I really like your kit. I agree that it is really nice in addition to having the key fastened down on a board is having everything wired and ready to go on the board too. I may have to think about changing the size of my board. Yes, it is a fun and rewarding challenge.


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